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What is GMAT?

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT ) is a computer adaptive test (CAT) intended to assess certain analytical, writing, quantitative, verbal, and reading skills in written English for use in admission to a graduate management program, such as an MBA program.

It can be taken up to five times a year but no more than 8 times in total. Attempts must be at least 16 days apart.

More About GMAT

The GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) is a globally recognized standardized exam used for admission to graduate management and business programs. It is a multiple-choice, computer-based, and computer-adaptive test.

GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), the organization responsible for developing and administering the exam.

Business schools rely on GMAT scores to assess an applicant’s readiness for graduate-level academic work. GMAT score, admission committees consider factors such as work experience, academic record, and supporting materials when evaluating applicants for MBA programs.

GMAT remains the top choice for MBA aspirants, reflecting its continued significance and popularity in the field of business education.

GMAT Exam Structure

  1. Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA): This section requires test-takers to analyze an argument and write an essay that critiques it. Test-takers are given 30 minutes to complete this section.
  2. Integrated Reasoning (IR):  Measures the ability to evaluate information presented in multiple formats from various sources, including tables, graphs, and text. Test-takers are given 30 minutes to complete this section.
  3. Quantitative Reasoning (QR): This section measures the ability to reason mathematically, solve problems, and interpret data. Test-takers are given 62 minutes to complete this section.
  4. Verbal Reasoning (VR): This section measures the ability to read and understand written material, evaluate arguments, and correct written material to conform to standard written English. Test-takers are given 65 minutes to complete this section.
Section Duration Number of questions
Analytical writing assessment 30 minutes 1 essay
Integrated reasoning 30 minutes 12
Quantitative 62 minutes 31
Verbal 65 minutes 36

Total Time: 3 hours, 7 minutes

Total Scores: GMAT score is out of 800

How to Study for GMAT Exam: Guide to Score the GMAT Goal

If your goal is to pursue an MBA at one of the top universities in the world, it is crucial to excel in the GMAT exam. Nowadays, an increasing number of universities accept GMAT scores for admissions. Scoring well on the GMAT is essential for reaching new heights in your future career.

The GMAT is distinct from other entrance exams, and therefore, aspiring candidates should gain a comprehensive understanding of what the GMAT entails and what skills it tests. Having proper guidance is far more important than relying on luck alone.

Here are some key tips for studying and preparing for the GMAT exam

  1. Familiarize yourself with the GMAT 
  2. Create a study schedule 
  3. Utilize study materials 
  4. Practice time management
  5. Identify strengths and weaknesses 
  • Seek guidance and support: 
  1. Take practice tests 
  2. Review and revise 
  3. Manage stress and stay motivated