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Why Study in Austria

Austria has had a big impact on the world. It gave us the revolutionary works of Sigmund Freud, the philosophical musings of Ludwig Wittgenstein, the rousing symphonies Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and let’s not forget Arnold Schwarzenegger!

Austria is also home to stunning landscapes, vibrant cities, and some of the best universities in the world like the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology. With its financial support for international students, Austria is becoming a hotspot for international students looking for overseas education.

Here are some of the benefits of studying in Austria:

  1. Located in central Europe.
  2. Rich history, art, culture, and literature.
  3. Low and affordable tuition costs.
  4. Exceptional programs for exchange students in the field of science.
  5. Enjoy the best quality of life any country can offer.
Cost to Study in Austria

The cost of degrees will differ based on the courses and universities you choose. Each university has its own cost grading on degrees that they offer. 

The cost of diplomas and bachelor’s degrees may differ from the cost of a master’s or Ph.D. The cost of study in Australia is also dependent on the ranking of the university. The average cost of study in Austria varies between A$ 25,000- A$ 40,000.

Scholarships in Austria

Austria offers scholarships to study abroad in their country. Their scholarships diverge from fully funded to partially funded. Students willing to apply for a scholarship in Australia can contact a professional study in Australia consultant to find the best scholarship suited for them. 

Students can inquire about the Macquarie University India Scholarship and the Swinburne International Excellence Scholarship – Postgraduate Studies. All scholarships are awarded towards academics and are strictly on merit. 

Prospective students from India who meet admission requirements can apply for scholarships for higher studies in Australia.

Cost of the Austrian Student Visa

The cost of the Australian Student Visa is estimated at around $620. Students willing to pursue higher study in Australia must present the following documents to the respective visa office: 

  1. English proficiency requirements
  2. Financial requirements
  3. Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements 
  4. Health and character requirements

The Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) is a factor required to determine whether the applicant has an authentic purpose of staying in the country for the duration of their study. The visa office will consider the home country factors, the value of the degree, and/or your immigration history.

Students must fill in the Student Visa application form and submit all other requested documents. Overseas Education Consultants for Australia will guide you through this process.

Popular Courses in Austria

Indian students can choose to study several popular courses in Australia. Students interested in higher study in Australia can choose from a wide variety of popular courses. These courses are degrees in 

  1. Agricultural Science
  2. Biomedical Technology
  3. Engineering
  4. Business & Management
  5. Accounting and Finance
  6. Information Technology

While these may be popular courses in Australia, students are still welcome to pursue the subjects that best align with their educational goals.

Overseas Education COnsultants to Study in Austria

Are you looking for colleges or universities in Austria? We are here to help you. Maven is one of the most highly-experts overseas education consultants in Bangalore. 

Our consultants assist Indian students with all aspects of the admission process, starting from understanding their profile to advising them on applying best. Our consultants work closely with students to ensure that they choose the right program and University.

Your future should not be restricted by where you live. Maven Consulting Services gives you the best opportunity to study abroad at top universities and programs in Austria.